Thanks to the random level generation, predicting the lay-out of a cave from memory can be dangerous. Honing your instincts to react to your surroundings is a better ploy. Each time you lose a life or are greeted by a 'Game Over' screen, it is due to your fault alone. There is no way you could end up blaming the game for your character’s deaths, for all of it is a direct result of your actions; be it stepping on traps, being chased by monsters or even angering a shopkeeper (they tend to keep shotguns to deal with annoying players). Jumped on some spikes? You weren’t looking properly. Couldn’t get past a few baddies in a tunnel? You didn’t buy the right items or react quickly enough. Every time you find yourself starting a tunnel devoid of any items, you can beat yourself up instead of throwing away your control-ler in disgust. If there’s one thing you can’t fault Spe-lunky for, it’s for being a fair game.Multiplayer though, feels like another game alto-gether. The cooper-ative mode, which allows you and three other explor-ers to brave these underground caverns for fame and fortune, is okay. But the deathmatch mode feels forced. There’s no way anyone would have fun laying traps and causing the death of other players in such retro surroundings. It just ends up being an attempt to saddle an unnecessary game mode to justify the price of 1,200 MS Points (roughly Rs 1,000).Which brings us to the final part of the review - Spelunky is a classic example of a game that takes a few seconds to learn but an eternity to master. The game ends up feeling too little a game for the price. With games like Comic Jumper and ‘Splosion Man being 400 MS Points cheaper, there are equally interesting albeit slightly dated options available on the Xbox India Marketplace.So, much like every other hopeless addiction we’ve come across, Spelunky manages to fill each check box on the list of broken dreams. Namely, easy to get hooked in, tough to get out of, and the inevitable realization that it’s cost can’t be ratio-nalized in any way whatsoever. None of this means you shouldn’t pick it up at a lower price, though. In this case, one of three isn’t too shabby at all.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Thanks to the random level generation, predicting the lay-out of a cave from memory can be dangerous. Honing your instincts to react to your surroundings is a better ploy. Each time you lose a life or are greeted by a 'Game Over' screen, it is due to your fault alone. There is no way you could end up blaming the game for your character’s deaths, for all of it is a direct result of your actions; be it stepping on traps, being chased by monsters or even angering a shopkeeper (they tend to keep shotguns to deal with annoying players). Jumped on some spikes? You weren’t looking properly. Couldn’t get past a few baddies in a tunnel? You didn’t buy the right items or react quickly enough. Every time you find yourself starting a tunnel devoid of any items, you can beat yourself up instead of throwing away your control-ler in disgust. If there’s one thing you can’t fault Spe-lunky for, it’s for being a fair game.Multiplayer though, feels like another game alto-gether. The cooper-ative mode, which allows you and three other explor-ers to brave these underground caverns for fame and fortune, is okay. But the deathmatch mode feels forced. There’s no way anyone would have fun laying traps and causing the death of other players in such retro surroundings. It just ends up being an attempt to saddle an unnecessary game mode to justify the price of 1,200 MS Points (roughly Rs 1,000).Which brings us to the final part of the review - Spelunky is a classic example of a game that takes a few seconds to learn but an eternity to master. The game ends up feeling too little a game for the price. With games like Comic Jumper and ‘Splosion Man being 400 MS Points cheaper, there are equally interesting albeit slightly dated options available on the Xbox India Marketplace.So, much like every other hopeless addiction we’ve come across, Spelunky manages to fill each check box on the list of broken dreams. Namely, easy to get hooked in, tough to get out of, and the inevitable realization that it’s cost can’t be ratio-nalized in any way whatsoever. None of this means you shouldn’t pick it up at a lower price, though. In this case, one of three isn’t too shabby at all.
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