After ARM had about a year ago where the first details on the new 64-bit architecture ARMv8 known, now the first building upon 64-bit processors were announced. We start with the Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57, which differ mainly in the power and the associated processing power. Thus, the Cortex-A57 is intended among other high-end smartphones, tablets, notebooks and servers, where it provides a relatively efficient performance that will fail in the same power to today's ARM processor is three times higher. The Cortex-A53, however, is designed for low power consumption and is therefore likely to be found in high-end smartphones, tablets and other small mobile devices. Both processors can be combined with multiple cores and, thanks to 64-bit architecture to access more than 4GB of memory. In the estimation of ARM, however, should appear only in 2014 the first products based on the new processors. For developers there are already several tools available.
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