Google has gone public with Project Glass, its once secret decide to develop augmented-reality hardware. The headset would enable people to visualize a wide-awake display superimposed over their traditional field of vision. A concept video shows users using the headset and voice commands to decision up maps, respond to messages, make appointments, and check the time and weather. While such tasks could facilitate a user avoid reaching for his phone each so often, commentators including sociologists and road safety advocates have weighed in on the potential aspect effects of a relentless stream of distracting information floating right before of our eyes. tech specialists have pointed out the issue in deciding an eye's focus and adjusting to indoor and outdoor lighting conditions, Contending that the device is in no means sensible or doable to form right now. Google beginner Sergey Brin was once noticed publically wearing a model, however would not let anyone else strive them on.
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