The Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers, has disclosed the applications they have received for new generic top-level domains. In what's going to be the largest change to the structure of the online since its origination, companies are currently allowed to use for any commanding domain they like, in addition to the quality .com and .net. many firms have applied for their own trademarks, together with the Tata group, Mahindra, Reliance, and even the govt. of India with its request for .bharat. many businesses have also sprouted, aiming to sell websites with TLDs of common terms like .life, .movie, .now, .racing and hundreds more. Indian fi rm Directi has applied for 31 such gTLDs, including .space, .world, .press, .baby and .hotel. firms that are cautious of trademark infringement and are willing to obtain their own names embody .prudential, .olympus,.deutschepost,.cisco, .brother, .nissan and .theguardian. it's not illustrious whether or not they can develop these into new websites or just sit on them to shield against slander. Google has applied for 101 gTLDs and rival internet giant Amazon has applied for 76. There are 21 overlaps between the two. 1,930 applications were created all told. ICANN is presently acceptive defensive arguments against allotting any of the applications, and the entire method can take many a lot of months
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