PostgreSQL is one of the most versatile, powerful and reliable object-relational information systems available. The enterprise-class open source database is in use by a number of the most important firms within the world, handling exceptionally giant workloads. however you knew all of that already, so let's mention a couple of features in PostgreSQL you most likely did not know about already.
Simple troubleshooting
The error, hardware failure, and sometimes there is Murphy's law. You want to restore may of transactions that were made by accident or for other reasons. PostgreSQL has the ability, so call "Transactional DDL" has (data definition language). DDL is the language that essentially defines how to define and work with your database, such as create and delete tables, modify objects and so on.
With one exception (add and delete databases) all operations are transactional. Use protocols, you can easily recover from very big changes. We think that this applies to all databases, but really isn't.
Querying XML Data
With PostgreSQL, you can directly query the XML data stored in the database and extract elements from the data stored in the database. For example, it is possible in another application for PostgreSQL and check only one item from the file instead of the entire file and with that out of the created database queries to save an XML file.
12 Authentication Systems Supported
One of the challenges when implementing a service is teams, face to make sure that the service is compatible with the type of authentication that is used. While PostgreSQL can imagine they may not make use of any type of authentication support, it is certainly close. Latest PostgreSQL versions support 12 authentication systems.
If you are using a UNIX all and LDAP or PostgreSQL environment in an environment that is primarily Windows with Active Directory, you use PostgreSQL comes ready. Besides LDAP and Kerberos, PostgreSQL also supports GSSAPI, authentication, RADIUS, or also "trust" authentication for situations when someone is connected to the server can be to connect
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